Welcome to the web page of Tony and Barbara Holden, We hope you will explore it. We enjoy having the opportunity to share our passions and thoughts with those who are interested. Do read on.
Tony and Barbara Holden - welcome to our site
We hope you enjoy our monthly blog of comment which will sometimes include photos, drawings, poems and links. You can check-out our previous work at poems, art, comment and community.
We have been in Loughton since 1993 and in our own home, rather than a church one, since 1999. We are long retired. We both struggle somewhat health-wise and hope to move to a local flat. We continue as best we can with our lifetime commitments. Tony can’t walk or get out but reads, writes, draws, corresponds, enjoys visitors. Barbara, in addition to caring for us, gets to many groups at our local church. Her commitment to politics, feminism and interfaith dialogue continue. We are blessed with visits from our friends and neighbours and from our 50-year-old twins and their lovely families. It is all difficult, but we keep going and we hope and pray for peace and justice in our violent and threatened world.
Read about our history.
If you wish to use any of our work please cite us at www.tonyandbarbaraholden.com